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My Tribute to The We'Moon Community! 

I am so grateful for the support and good vibes from the women at We'Moon!

Seriously these gals are a huge inspiration to me. Their lifestyles and good work bring me hope and solace. I hope one day to visit them and their awesome community!!! I'm so honored to have my work published alongside so many talented women from all over the world, it's overwhelming. I really hope that all you out there feel my appreciation for this global community of spirited women who are co-creating and being the change that…

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You can be the change, too! 

The official folk version music video is here for the song "Change". I hope you enjoy it! I did it home video style to show you how I am living the change I want to see in the world! Know you can do it too! Peace Out

Please Forgive The Delay 

So it seems that the whole deadline thing is scribbled, Not only am I myself injured but it seems that my engineer has ruptured an eardrum... So, "To be Announced" is the new deadline. Please, we are both needing positive vibrations sent our way. I am hoping that we can still meet the May 1st deadline but truth be told I cannot make any promises. Still, I am hopeful and determined. I'm really excited to release this album of LOVE SONGS!!!! So any love sent our way, I'm sure it will give us the much-needed…

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Creative Creature Shop with Visual Artist Greg Landry 

This past week has been very productive as I have been planning the cover and content for my upcoming release of the EP Immortal. Here Greg Landry is making the puppets for the music video/photoshoot for the album cover at my pad. It was a chilly wintery Wednesday but inside it was warm with laughter, good music, and exceptional company.

I'm so honored to be working with such a great visual artist. I will be putting more of his art up in the gallery soon. Stay tuned for more information!!!

I have been on…

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